Add to Both Your and Our Photo Gallery
You can make your own photo gallery of your Aruban vacation. When you find your best ones, upload them into our gallery. Here are some ideas for getting good pictures for your vacation album. When you want a beach picture, first choose a focal point. It can be a tree on the edge of the beach or a set of foot prints in the sand. This gives your beach photo something besides water and sand. The best time for a beach photo is at the beginning or end of the day. With the exquisite colors of Aruba’s sunrises and sunsets, the lighting can make a beach photo special.
If you decide a sunset is for your photo gallery, there are some things to think about. Like beach photographs, sunsets need a context to highlight them. Frame the photo with the silhouettes of trees or other objects. If there are clouds in the sky, the colors that bounce off them make the photos more interesting. With deep oranges and purples, an Aruban sunset is an exquisite subject for amateurs or professionals alike. Capture a silhouette of your loved one looking out over the beach to the sunset.
If you want to make a special addition to your photo gallery, an underwater photograph would be perfect. There are underwater digital cameras available for reasonable prices. Stay in shallow waters to take advantage of the sun filtering down. It is best to take pictures when the sun is directly overhead. When you have a subject to photograph, get in close. You cannot get a pretty picture of a fish if it is a speck on a field of blue water. Also, colors are dulled by the water, so the closer you are the better the colors will develop.
Capturing your family for your photo gallery is great for a vacation memory. Take a few shots of each person up close with a fantastic background behind them. Group photos can be taken at the beach or in front of a lush tropical bunch of foliage. Don’t forget to get those unguarded moments enjoying the beach or catching a quick nap. Posed photographs are great, but the special ones are when people don’t really expect them. Of course, you don’t want to sneak up too often or they will start avoiding you. But a few candid shots here and there can make special mementos of your trip to Aruba.